
  • Week 10 Wednesday Lecture Slides available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 15 November 2023, 12:56:43 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of the Week 10 Wednesday lecture are now available on WebCMS3. You can find slides under WebCMS3 > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lecturers > Week 10 > 10a. Generative Artificial Intelligence.


  • Week 9 Thursday Lecture Slides available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 09 November 2023, 10:27:18 AM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of the Week 9 Thursday lecture are now available on WebCMS3. You can find slides under WebCMS3 > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lecturers > Week 9 > 9c. Vision and Language Reasoning.


  • Week 4 Thursday Lecture Slides available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Thursday 05 October 2023, 10:57:07 AM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of the Week 4 Thursday lecture are now available on WebCMS3. You can find slides under WebCMS3 > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lecturers > Week 4 > 4c. Image Processing.


  • Week 4 Wednesday Lecture Slides available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 04 October 2023, 11:31:20 AM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of the Week 4 are now available on WebCMS3. You can find slides under WebCMS3 > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lecturers > Week 4 > 4b. Convolutional Neural Networks.


  • Week 1 Wednesday Lecture Video Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 13 September 2023, 10:35:24 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The recording of Week 1 Wednesday Lecture is now available on Echo360. You can access Echo360 either via Moodle by clicking on "Lecture Recordings" or by clicking on link I have provided on WebCMS3 (see WebCMS > Echo360 Link for Lecture Recordings). For your ease to switch between different systems, I have now directly provided links on the WebCMS itself (see Menu tabs).



  • Week 1 Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Sonit Singh Wednesday 13 September 2023, 05:27:33 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The slides of the Week 1 are now available on WebCMS3. You can find slides under WebCMS3 > COMP9444 > Course Work > Lecturers > Week 1.

    Lecture recordings will be made available via Echo360 after the lecture. I will post announcement once it is available.



  • Welcome to COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning!

    Posted by Alan Blair Wednesday 06 September 2023, 06:18:40 PM.

    The first lecture for COMP9444 will be on Wednesday 13 September at 4pm in Ainsworth G03 (K-J17-G03). Tutorials will begin in Week 2.

    The materials for this course will be delivered through the Ed platform . If you have not previously had an Ed account, you should look for an email invitation in your inbox and click on it to create an account on Ed. If you have previously used Ed for another course (for example, COMP9021) then you will not receive an email invitation but will instead be given access to COMP9444 through your existing Ed account. If you have two Ed accounts under different email addresses, Ed might prompt you to merge them.

    Please log in to Ed, read through the Week 1a materials, and be ready to ask questions about the material during the Wednesday 4pm lecture.


    - Alan, Sonit and Arun

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